Taunton Box Shop is an online store selling second hand, locally sourced, cardboard boxes intended for moving house.

Their ecommerce website is primarily a source for anyone looking for packing materials on a budget.

Taunton Box Shop is the sister company of Ark Removals and Storage. It was important that the two websites linked, so while both have different purposes, the client wanted the design to remain consistent. This includes both web page design and company branding.

As well as the ecommerce shop, Taunton Box Shop also provides a comprehensive Packing Guide. This page helps anyone who is planning or currently in the process of moving house. The guide provides great detail of what packing boxes and accessories are required, useful hints and tips, and mainly a walk-through on packing items through your home, sorted by room.


Responsive Web Design - Blaze Concepts


Responsive web design utilising cutting-edge frameworks for all devices to provide the best user experience for that screen size.

WordPress Development - Blaze Concepts


User-friendly content management system that powers a significant portion of websites on the internet, offering a customizable platform for creating and managing diverse web content.

JQuery Icon


JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions.



Scripting language designed for web development, known for its versatility in generating dynamic content, interacting with databases, and facilitating the creation of interactive and robust web applications.

Woocommerce Icon


Customizable and widely-used WordPress plugin that enables the seamless integration of e-commerce functionality, allowing users to create and manage online stores with features such as product listings, shopping carts, and payment processing.


Andrew Real - Developer at Blaze Concepts

Andrew Real

Senior web developer

With a passion for technology and helping traditional businesses transition into e-commerce, Andrew brings a solid knowledge from HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript through to app development.

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Adam Wicket - Developer at Blaze Concepts

Adam Wickett

Web developer

With a solid foundation in development skills, Adam supports many of our clients with complex updates and support. Skilled in PHP, WP, and JavaScript frameworks he stays at the forefront of web development trends.

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